너무 오랜만에 법률회사 오프닝이 나왔습니다!!!~~
미국 동부지역인 뉴욕에 위치한 법률회사 이며,
총직원 8~10명 규모의 작지않은 로펌회사 입니다.
영어 작문 실력이 좋은 사무 행정 업무 인턴을 모집합니다 ^^
▶ 근무조건 :
월 ~ 금 / 오전 9시 ~ 오후 6시
▶ 업무내용 :
- Assist attorneys with office and client matters which can include customary written and teleph onic communication.
- Process new client/matter requests, client bills, time reports and expense reports.
- Handle routine inquiries from clients.
- Receive, screen and transmit telephone calls, conference calls and messages to/from attorne ys, clients and staff.
- Assist in creating, amending and reformatting a wide range of legal documents.
- Assist in managing legal documents processing from beginning to end.
- Assist with maintenance of legal contracts & forms.
- Assist in producing flow charts, presentations, letters, and other documents as requested.
- Utilize software specific to the legal industry to execute tasks.
-Ensure supervisors processing, distribution and filing of contracts and related documents.
- Assist supervisors in organizing case files and preparing progress reports for each case
관련 전공자 분들의 많은지원 기다리겠습니다.